How does a retailer maintain consistency of look across the store while allowing major brands and key categories to differentiate their product offering?
Nashville Display accepted the challenge with staggering results. Here is some insight into their process
- The ultimate goal is to showcase brands and select categories at the front end that maintain a cohesive look throughout the store – because we all know that the retailer is the ultimate brand.
- Our development team worked from the ground up to develop a freestanding End Cap solution with sufficient flexibility to accommodate a wide range of merchandising options while paying close attention to weight-loading. This was particularly important for bulk petfood products.
- Designed initially to work across a few brand categories, the display system has evolved to include an extensive selection of shelves, baskets and hooks. This is now a comprehensive End Cap system unlike anything else in the market.
Our flexible end cap maintains a consistent footprint and style, but this smart system can reconfigure to accommodate a wide range of products and categories. Simply reposition shelves and update messaging to change out your planograms and categories. The system uses a small range of common components to simplify inventory management.
Your system will never become redundant, simply update graphics to refresh existing or new programs. Header graphics signpost the destination while full-height, curved vertical graphics provide a platform for brand and category shopper marketing.
Main framework components are produced off-shore in bulk, blended with custom parts produced locally. By creating a systemized platform with only a few customized parts to accommodate specific product merchandising needs, our End Cap solution hits both low cost and efficient lead-time goals.
Every End Cap maintains footprint consistency while accommodating
a diverse range of brand and category programs.
Designed for high traffic flow:
End caps are featured in high traffic-flow areas therefore our robust system has the structural integrity to accommodate excessive wear and tear in a busy store. Built from wire, tubing and sheet metal, our framework is very easy to assemble and shelves are installed or reconfigured in minutes. We can create graphic templates for your specific requirements and print updates in a matter of days at our Nashville facility for delivery to your warehouse or direct to store.
At Nashville we help our customers to Display Responsibly. Reach out now to see how we can build consistency in your End Cap system for efficient updates.